Who Do We Serve?
The Prematurity Prevention Initiative (PPI) is a program of Family Health Initiatives, a subsidiary agency of the Southern NJ Perinatal Cooperative. PPI leverages statewide partnerships with the Partnership of Maternal and Child Health of Northern New Jersey and Central Jersey Family Health Consortium.
PPI engages all with a role in preterm prevention. From those who are pregnant and their support network to the community at large and the system of health care and social service providers.
PPI is inclusive, serving all races, ethnicities, sexual/gender identities, income levels and insurance status, including uninsured and under-insured.
While all embracing, PPI focuses special attention on African American birthing individuals at greatest risk of premature birth within New Jersey.
We are providing you with a FREE social media toolkit!
Content supports the "Watch Me Blossom: It Takes 39 Weeks To Bloom" Campaign.
Click here to register and immediately download the assets for free!

Black Infant and Maternal Mortality toolkit was developed in collaboration of the NAACP

Please Take Part
In The NAACP Maternal Experience Survey
The experience of Black mothers matters.
The NAACP Black Infant and Maternal Mortality Taskforce strives to improve maternal and child health care, and reduce inequities for Women of Color. Your story will help to produce change and better outcomes in New Jersey. To participate , please visit our survey page: